Energy Survey

Lighting Survey and Energy Report

Our Energy Efficient Lighting Services

1 Need a lighting survey & energy report?

Looking to get a lighting survey for a commercial or industrial building (such as a office or warehouse )?

Your existing lighting could be wasting your business many thousands of pounds every year, be difficult to maintain, or even produce inadequate light for your working conditions.

2 Your Belfast electrical company install LED lighting systems across N. Ireland!

Our team work across N. Ireland as energy efficient lighting system specialists – we supply & install energy saving LED (Light Emitting Diode) & other commercial & industrial lighting systems to save your business up to 80 % on lighting energy costs!

3 Contact us now to:

  • Arrange a no-obligation lighting survey & energy report for your building 
  • Find out which of our energy saving lighting technologies is most suitable 
  • Get a quotation for a new lighting system

Our Frequently Asked Questions

What is a lighting energy survey?

Interested in arranging a lighting survey and energy savings report for your office lighting or warehouse lighting? – the guide below tells you a little more about the process of creating a lighting energy survey and what the end customer should expect…

The stages of a lighting energy survey?

When a lighting energy survey is undertaken for a factory or warehouse building it is typically carried out in two stages:

  • A site visit to carry out an audit of the existing lighting in the client building(s)
  • The creation of a lighting energy report & new lighting system proposal using the information gathered during the lighting audit

The lighting energy survey should not only focus on the potential energy savings but should also assess the suitability of the lighting for the specific requirements of the site. Detailed measurements of illumination levels are taken & any issues will be accounted for when designing a replacement energy efficient lighting system.

Lighting survey stage 1 – The ‘walk round’ lighting audit

In the first stage the lighting surveyor will walk around the site to assess the existing lighting system – the equipment used by the surveyor during the walk round lighting audit will include:

  • PPE Equipment (goggles, hard hat etc.)
  • A digital camera to log pictures of existing site lighting
  • Lux meter to record local light intensity levels, light colour
  • A method of recording information & taking notes (pen and paper/tablet device)

The main observations the surveyor will be looking to make include:

  • A measurement of the area and height of the building internal spaces
  • A measurement of the height of the existing lighting fixtures
  • A count of the total number, type & rated power of lights currently in place (for a factory or warehouse this will usually be high bay or low bay fittings using HID lamps – such as metal halide or high pressure sodium)
  • Measurements of light intensity measurements in certain areas – measured in lux . These lux measurements will include both task areas and general overall lighting.
  • The present cost rate for electricity that the business is paying – this will be measured in pence per kilowatt hour for the site (usually separate day and night rates)
  • The operational hours for the factory or warehouse (e.g. – to establish how many hours the lights are on)

As well as the above straightforward quantifiable measurements there are other things that an experienced lighting surveyor will look to note during the lighting audit:

  • The condition of the existing fixtures – are all lights working? are some dirty, damaged etc.?
  • Are there areas or zones which are rarely occupied ? – this could represent an opportunity for using motion detection with a new lighting system –
  • Is there good access to daylight through roof panels – this could represent an opportunity for integrating daylight detectors with a new lighting system
  • Are there areas where light is being ‘wasted’ – e.g. an over-lit area or parts of the building where the distribution of light is being prevented? Or are there large areas where lights are being left on unnecessarily?
  • Are there areas where lighting levels are below recommended levels – possibly presenting a health & safety issue
  • Identification of specialist access equipment needed for any new lighting installation e.g. – scissor lift or cherry picker etc.
  • The frequency of existing lamp changes – if lamps are being changed much more often that is needed then this could indicate a fault

Lighting survey stage 2 – The lighting energy report & proposal

The lighting energy report is presented in the form of a series of documents there will be a number of key points highlighted to the end client:

  • The operational cost, power consumption, & carbon emissions which can be attributed to the incumbent lighting system
  • An assessment of the present lighting levels for the working conditions
  • The suitability of the lighting fixtures for the tasks undertaken in the various working environments – this includes characteristics such as Lighting IP ratings
  • A detailed proposal for the installation of an energy saving lighting system to replace the existing lighting – this will detail the number and type of fixtures (typically high efficiency LED or T5 fluorescent tube). This will usually be expressed as a spreadsheet (with accumulated energy totals) accompanied by a lighting plot (showing the distribution of lux levels spread from the light fittings over the building area). There may be additional recommendations outlines which will have been flagged at the lighting audit stage
  • The opportunities for using daylight & presence detection controls as part of the new energy efficient lighting system
  • Any specialist equipment or additional considerations which will need to be taken into account when installing the new lighting
  • A savings breakdown of cost, energy and carbon emission resulting from the new lighting system – this will usually be shown on an annual basis
  • A calculation of ROI (Return On Investment) for the new lighting system – this will typically be expressed in years and months. The ROI for installing high efficiency industrial LED lighting systems is typically from 8 to 24 months
  • The effect of any financial assistance schemes on the financial savings or ROI – this includes grants, ‘pay as you save’ schemes, Enhanced Capital Allowance etc.

Harcon Electrical Limited provides a complete workspace energy saving lighting installation service for businesses across Northern Ireland – contact us now to arrange a FREE lighting survey and quotation…